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Glass Buildings


Membership Zone: Get Involved


Membership Chairperson

Alexis Withers is a first, and last, year master’s student at the University of Delaware, studying Civil Engineering with a concentration in Transportation. Alexis graduated May 2020 from UDel where she earned bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering with a minor in Sustainable Infrastructure. She was born in Austin, TX later moved to Newark, DE. She is a Spring 2019 initiate of the Mu Pi Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,
Incorporated where she served as the Internal Audit Chair and Delaware State Facilitator. Alexis served as the chapter T.O.R.C.H. Chair, Vice President, and President and is now serving as the Region II Membership Chairperson. In this capacity, Alexis intends to actively support chapters during this “new normal” by creating virtual membership recruitment and retention materials while helping NSBE achieve its 2025 Strategic Plan. During her free time, she enjoys going to the beach, water sports, traveling, and spending time with family. She stays #2HYPE and is excited to serve



Danger Zone Coordinator

Oluwaseyi (Olu) Osinubi is a Junior at the University of Delaware pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science with a minor in Business Administration. Oluwaseyi was born in Lagos, Nigeria but soon emigrated to the United States with her parents when she was one and a half years old. She was raised in Delaware and has been very active in her church, school, and local community since a young
age. She values impacting the lives of others positively. Oluwaseyi joined NSBE at UD her freshman year and after attending #NSBE45, she gained a deeper love for the organization. Prior to levelling up her leadership and joining the REB as the 2020-2021 Danger Zone Coordinator, Oluwaseyi served as a chapter Senator during her sophomore year. This year, she plans to revitalize chapter engagement of the Danger Zone on a regional level and also emphasize zone unity. Oluwaseyi has a bright vision for her future including entering the technology industry and becoming an influencer. She is excited for the unique year ahead and ready to bring the HYPE!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” ~Marianne Williamson


Terror Zone Coordinator

Cameron Lewis is a second year Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD student at Howard University. Cameron was born in Buffalo, NY where he developed an interest in Autonomous Drones that led him to pursue Computer Engineering. Before leaving for college, Cameron was instructed by a fellow black engineer to join NSBE when he arrived on campus. After following these instructions, Cameron served as a Senator and Co-President for the Howard University Chapter. Cameron has joined the REB to serve the DMV region as Terror Zone Coordinator and develop into a better leader. After university,
Cameron wants to start his own technical consulting firm focused around autonomous platforms. In his free time, Cameron likes to play basketball and shoot pictures or videos with his camera.



O Zone Coordinator

Jordan Thomas is a senior, majoring in Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). Jordan was born in Detroit, Michigan but was raised in Prince George's County, Maryland. He was inspired to become an engineer by his grandfather who was one of the first African American Engineers to work for Chrysler. Jordan is currently an intern for Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and has hopes of following in his grandfather’s footsteps in joining the company. Jordan has previously held the positions of Pre-College
Initiative Chairperson, Senator, and President for the VCU collegiate chapter. Jordan is currently serving as the Region II O-Zone Coordinator as well as the Program Chair for his collegiate chapter at VCU. In his current roles, Jordan works towards increasing membership while also promoting membership engagement. Jordan upholds the mission of NSBE by mentoring underclassmen, participating in community service events, and striving to be a leader within his community. Jordan is #2HYPE to serve on the Model Region’s Board.


Comfort Zone Coordinator

Ashanique Moore is a sophomore majoring in computer science at Benedict College. Ashanique was born in a small town called Buff Bay in the beautiful parish of Portland in Jamaica. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, baking, dancing, and listening to all sorts of music genres, with her favorite being dancehall. Ashanique has been involved with NSBE since she first arrived at Benedict College,
serving as a Senator for the 2019-2020 academic year. This year Ashanique will be serving as the Comfort Zone Coordinator and plans to bring more engagement, life, and a family-friendly environment to the zone. She is also involved in other on-campus organizations such as the robotics club, national society of collegiate scholars, freshman leadership institute and was a recent inductee of her college's honors society. Ashanique has shown tremendous growth and leadership having been selected to be a part of numerous programs hosted by Twitter, Dell, and Deloitte, to mention a few. After graduation, Ashanique plans to pursue a career in software engineering or pursue a master's degree in marine biology. She is honored to be chosen for this position and is ready to bring the HYPE to the HYPEST region.

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