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Letter from the Conference Chair 

Hello Region II Family!


My name is Nathaniel Donkoh-Moore and I am your 2020 Fall Regional Conference (FRC), Chairperson. On behalf of the Region II Executive Board (REB), I would like to extend a very warm welcome to this special and unprecedented virtual Region II Fall Regional Conference. The conference is set to kick off on Sunday, November 1st, 2020 with Opening Session and Zone Meetings. Taking place on the 4th will be professional development, leadership development, and career readiness workshops. Following that, you will have the opportunity to interact with companies at the two-day joint Career Fair, with Region I and III members on the 6th and 7th. You will then be able to wind down on the 14th-15th with competitions, the PCI Mini-Conference, and our retro-NSBE themed Closing Session. The theme for this year’s FRC is “Becoming a Holistic Engineer” #BeAHolisticEngineer.


The Region II Executive Board knows that this year has been unlike any other we have experienced in our lifetime. That is why we have carefully created a great virtual conference unlike any other to give you the tools to Become a Holistic Engineer within your community. We aim to empower you to embrace a Holistic Mind, Connection, Lifestyle, and Attitude; while utilizing self-motivation and inspiring fellow NSBE members around you to be prepared to solve tomorrow’s problems.


We want this conference to be a culturally relevant experience that teaches you how to LEAD (Learn, Excel, take Action, and be Distinguished) through valuable interactions across different demographics within National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and professional development to revolutionize the STEM field. We aim to showcase your impact as the student leaders that NSBE needs to thrive. Following Region II 2020 FRC, you will have gained knowledge on how to be successful in your field of study and understand what it means to be a Holistic Engineer.


Throughout the conference, our workshops will be centered on topics such as entrepreneurship, networking, mental health awareness, leadership development, community impact, and professional development. You will be challenged by participating in our exciting competitions like Hackathon, Academic Tech Bowl, NSBE Debaters, and NSBE Elevator Pitch. For NSBE Jr. participants, I encourage you to participate in competitions such as Minecraft Design Challenge, TMAL Team Quiz Bowl, and workshops that provide both leadership and academic development. For professionals, I encourage you to network, share your knowledge, and engage with all the exciting workshops like Young Professional Panel, and Personal Branding specially prepared to make you a Holistic Engineer. At this year’s conference, we have many virtual spaces for you to connect with every attendee. We want you to step out of your comfort zone, engage, and build relationships with all attendees. We are a stronger Society when we learn from each other.

Region II, let’s remind the entire Society why they call us “The Model Region”, just in case they forgot! Are you ready to represent the D-E-U-C-E at the HYPEST virtual FRC in the entire Society?! If you are ready, then join us and accept the challenge to #BeAHolisticEngineer.


With NSBE Love,

Nathaniel Donkoh-Moore



Nov. 1st, 2020


Nov. 4th, 2020


Nov. 6th-7th, 2020




Nov. 14th - 15th, 2020

FRC Agenda


In case you missed it

WZRS Standings

#1 - End Zone 

#2 - Danger Zone 

#3 - O Zone 

#4 Terror Zone

#5 - Comfort Zone 

#1 Chapter per Zone 

End Zone: Carnegie Mellon Univeristy 

Danger Zone - Drexel University

O Zone - Hampton University 

Terror Zone - UMD College Park

Comfort Zone - North Carolina A&T

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