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Region II boasts 2,133 collegiate members, 1,511 NSBE Jr. (pre-college) members, and 90 Lifetime members. In addition, our NSBE professional membership has grown to 612. Our collegiate members represent 60 active chapters throughout Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Our NSBE Jr. members participate in 65 active chapters and our Professionals membership represent 18 active chapters.

According to U.S. News and World Report’s 2019 Top Engineering Programs, 11 of the top 50 ranked universities in the nation are located within Region II. In addition, our region encompasses a wealth of universities with the best undergraduate engineering programs, along with being the home of 12 Historically Black Colleges and Universities. According to Diverse Issues in Higher Education, we have five institutions in the top 10 producers of African-Americans with bachelor’s degrees in engineering and six out of the top 10 producers of African- Americans with master’s degrees in engineering each year.

Region II is home to some of the top talents that NSBE has to offer. During the 2018–2019 academic year, members of Region II reported a verified average GPA of 3.16 with 1,328 transcripts submitted. Our region has developed a reputation for tremendous leadership, membership participation, and academic prowess. 


About: About Us


Dear Region II NSBE Family,

Welcome to another fantastic year in the Model Region, where the HYPEst members reside in the National Society of Black Engineers. I am honored to serve as your Region II Chairperson for 2020-2021, alongside a distinguished group of leaders as your Region II Executive Board. In full support of #NSBE2025, we look forward to working with you to implement our National Directives F.O.C.U.S.—Family, Opportunity, Commitment, Unity, and Servant Leadership — led by National Chairperson Jocelyn Jackson. Accordingly, we will work together to execute our Regional Directives, “Connect, Collaborate, Communicate”.

The world as we know it is at odds, in more ways than one. In addition to my prayers, hopes, and wishes for the best for you and your loved ones, I provide you with the comfort of having a place to call your own—a family that transcends geographical boundaries, demographics, and perspectives. Your needs are ours, as are your joyful and sad moments alike. We are one.

In the spirit of connectedness, Region II is at the edge of bridging together learning and exemplifying the NSBE mission in our various environments. Connect, which strives to build sustainable and strategic partnerships within our communities. As future leaders in technical spaces and more, we will hone on applying our skills by fostering year-round engagement that empowers our communities through technical development training and resources. We will also equip our community members for innovative opportunities by strengthening and maximizing professional development.

Through Collaborate, we aim to create an environment where everyone feels encouraged to make a difference. By deepening relationships among members, we will bridge the gap between NSBE Jr., Collegiate, and Professional members, increase opportunities for leadership development across all levels of NSBE, and secure the future of NSBE by advancing NSBE Jr. involvement in regional engagements and programming.

Communicate speaks to establishing our distinct presence in the Society and in our communities through branding, showcasing our excellence, and streamlining our communications. We will establish new and more effective ways for members to remain connected, highlight the breadth and depth of Region II’s membership culture and excellence, and provide collective branding and awareness and history of Region II.

We are in time greatly in need of innovation, and I strongly believe you are the pioneers the world needs. Thank you for your faith in us as your Region II Executive Board this year, and we truly look forward to another great year with you. Let us stay 2222222 HYPE!

Live HYPE,
Favour Nerrise

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