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Glass Buildings


Communications Zone: Get Involved


Publications/Public Relations Chairperson

Jazzmin Robinson, an Electrical Engineering baccalaureate
scholar at George Mason University, currently serves as the Public
Relations Chair for Region Two (HYPE!). Jazzmin has been
intentional with supplementing her education with various
experiences in electrical engineering environments including, but
not limited to, Altria and the Department of Defense that has
equipped her with a wide range of skills to serve as the Public
Relations Chair for Region Two (HYPE!). Based on her talents
and dedicated efforts, she will commit to expanding the
communication for the region through several social media platforms. Jazzmin has been
recognized for her contributions to influence several demographics in the STEM field by
immersing herself with organizations with common missions, visions, and values. As a fluent
Spanish speaker, Jazzmin has utilized this technique to enhance mentorship, communication, and innovation in this prestigious industry.

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